In Stitches 喜剧俱乐部 - 喜剧全明星

Tour Operator: InStitches Comedy Club

What can I expect

  • 搞笑的现场喜剧表演。
  • 热情而又充满活力的氛围。
  • 才华横溢、引人入胜的喜剧演员。
  • 舒适的场地。

准备好在 In Stitches Comedy 度过一个欢笑之夜吧,这是爱尔兰唯一一家每晚都提供表演的喜剧场所,位于都柏林市中心。俱乐部由一群才华横溢的喜剧演员组成,他们以引人入胜的方式展示爱尔兰人的智慧和传统乐趣。



59 O'Connell Street Upper, North City, Dublin 1, D01 RX04 Call: +353 1 703 3024 Email:

We've been entertaining visitors to our town since 1988. We're part of the fabric of Dublin City and we take great pride in delivering a real and authentic tour experience to all of our visitors, one steeped in history but one that also celebrates the city as she evolves.